Congratulations to the 2015 PRSA Georgia Board of Directors. The Executive Committee is: President Stephen Brown, APR; President-Elect Alison Ilg; Treasurer Elyse Hammett, APR; and Secretary Karlie Lahm, APR.
Directors-At Large are: Neil Hirsch, APR (immediate past president & International Conference); Louise Mulherin (Professional Development); Lynn Medcalf (Membership); Annette Filliat, APR (Annual Conference); Patty Gregory (Special Interest Groups); Mary Dugenske, APR (Public Relations, Social Media and Web Strategy); Victoria Barksdale McGhee, APR (Chapter Awards, Awards Celebration & Silent Auction); Justine Holcomb, APR (Accreditation); Jasmine Hoffman, APR (College Relations); and Debbie Fitzgerald (Phoenix Awards).