2015 PRSA Georgia Board of Directors

Congratulations to the 2015 PRSA Georgia Board of Directors. The Executive Committee is: President Stephen Brown, APR; President-Elect Alison Ilg; Treasurer Elyse Hammett, APR; and Secretary Karlie Lahm, APR.

Directors-At Large are: Neil Hirsch, APR (immediate past president & International Conference); Louise Mulherin (Professional Development); Lynn Medcalf (Membership); Annette Filliat, APR (Annual Conference); Patty Gregory (Special Interest Groups); Mary Dugenske, APR (Public Relations, Social Media and Web Strategy); Victoria Barksdale McGhee, APR (Chapter Awards, Awards Celebration & Silent Auction); Justine Holcomb, APR (Accreditation); Jasmine Hoffman, APR (College Relations); and Debbie Fitzgerald (Phoenix Awards).

Published by PRSA Admin

The Georgia Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America is the second largest chapter in the country, and serves approximately 850 members statewide.

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