Chapter Champion Award: February 2023, Michelle Groover

February’s Chapter Champion is Michelle Groover, recognizing her contributions to the Annual Conference and College Relations committees. She has played an integral role in planning the chapter’s marquee professional development opportunity on Feb. 16 and served as a devoted leader for PRSSA.

“Serving on the College Relations committee has been a great experience. As a professor, it has been fulfilling to be a voice to what the students need and want to know about public relations,” Groover said. “Engaging with PRSA Georgia has been valuable to growing my professional network, and also connecting students with these professionals. I’ve enjoyed working with the dedicated and hard-working professionals and professors on this committee.”

Michelle has worked at Georgia Southern University for 28 years, including stints with its Admissions and Marketing & Communications offices, and has served as a public relations principal lecturer in the Department of Communication Arts for the past 15 years. She also serves as internship coordinator, the faculty advisor to the University’s PRSSA Chapter and as the executive director of the department’s Public Relations Advisory Board.