Prestigious Anvil Awards Programs Now Open for Entries

Silver Anvils recognize the highest standards of performance in public relations and communications programs or campaigns. This year, there are 19 different Silver Anvil categories, along with numerous subcategories, in which you can submit your work.

New additions for 2021 are:

  • Most Effective Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Campaign, divided into the subcategories of Associations, Government, Nonprofit Organizations, Business and Pro Bono
  • The inclusion of COVID-19 Challenges in the Crisis Communications category

Bronze Anvils single out the exceptional public relations tactics that contribute to the overall success of these programs or campaigns. New Bronze Anvil categories for 2021 are: Brand Videos, Best Tactical Pivot, and TikTok Engagement.

2021 Silver Anvil Entry Deadlines:

  • Feb. 12: Early Deadline Entering by Feb. 12 saves you $200 on each submission!
  • Feb. 26: Final/Late Deadline
  • March 12: Early Deadline Entering by March 12 saves you $100 on each submission!
  • March 26: Final/Late Deadline

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