Maximize Your Membership Benefits

If your summer schedule has expanded your “me” time, how about taking a few minutes for a refresh on ways to maximize your membership in PRSA? Since Membership starts with “me”, we’ve compiled a list of Chapter and National benefits to boost your motivation whether you’re a recent grad, young professional, seasoned pro or lifetime […]

Georgia Chapter heads down Atlanta Highway to Athens

Messages about the importance of learning practices, principles and vernacular through involvement with PRSA and the APR exam were delivered in-person by Elyse Hammett, APR, Fellow PRSA; Chapter President Caroline Huston; and Chapter Administrator Victoria Stanton when they visited Athens on March 28. During the visit to the University of Georgia, Hammett delivered a guest […]

Sarah Freeman is Chapter Champion for December

Sarah Freeman has been named Chapter Champion for December, noting her volunteer service with the Membership, Recruitment and Engagement Committee. She has brought a personal touch to this role by contacting nearly 75 new members with information about the Chapter and how to get involved. She is also the first to volunteer for assignments on […]

Event Recap: B2B is the Bomb

In September, the Chapter held an in-person panel at Arketi headquarters, featuring five B2B industry communication pros who shared their experiences and why they love their communication careers in B2B, moderated by Arketi Senior Account Executive, Elizabeth Edel. Problem solving, holistic storytelling, creativity and constant learning were among the top reasons that this group of […]